Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Talking Monkeys

Long ago, the I Am, decided to make the monkeys talk
They possessed wonderful opposing thumbs, now they could reason

But, once they began to practice talking and then questioning
They realized that one day they would inevitable all die

So, they had to think of a place they would go after their death
It was decided that each monkey must return to their God

There were many Gods from which the wise talking monkeys could choose
Of course, all were the same, I Am, was called by many odd names

By this time, I Am, had left them to flourish upon their world
For I Am, was a child, and had long grown bored with the monkeys

One day, a boy monkey noticed that other monkeys watched him
The cunning talking monkeys wanted to be wiser then he

So, he and his girl companion fabricated some clothing
Then they told the others what was theirs, and to leave it alone

All the talking monkeys, collected their own possessions to keep
The more fine trinkets they owed, the more powerful they became

The monkeys began to dress and speak differently also
The girl monkeys, shaved and painted their faces with bright colors

Monkeys united into opposing groups about the land
To protect their families, property, and prized possessions

A few monkeys thought they could gain power by killing rivals
They attacked their neighbors and took all their possessions and lands

Soon all the monkeys were in larger groups, waring for more power
Sometimes, they even did it in the name of their God, I Am

The monkeys grew wise and resourceful over the centuries
They were sure, they ruled their world and all the creatures within it

Then, I Am remembered the monkeys and became curious
He blew the stardust from their box, and slowly opened the lid

With much surprise, he found the box was empty and very dark
Nothing was left inside, but particles of fine cosmic dust

So, I am tossed the box into his great fire and watched it burn
And the talking monkeys returned to where they had all began

© Copyrights G. Jones 2012

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