Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Something Missing

He would often wonder why he was so blue
There didn't seem to be anything wrong
But, sometimes he got a feeling, like he had the flu
He'd felt empty and spent, certainly not strong
Frequently, he'd catch himself just thinking
In my existence, there is something missing
Often times, he felt there was a thing he wasn’t seeing
Like a great secret, hidden from his presence
“What could it be?” he thought.
Everything he had, money, a big white house
Fancy car, a sailboat, a nice dog, and lots of toys
He'd the best of jobs, a pretty wife, but he felt like a louse!
He just sat at home, and refused to go out with the boys
He'd started to feel defenseless, and even a bit paranoid
He just moped around the house, or fall asleep with a book
The grass started to get long and his wife became annoyed
Everything was perfect, but he felt like a big fish on a hook
“I have to do something about this!” he screamed at the trees
One day, he was searching for something in the closet, when
He heard someone calling his name, from under his bed
This was strange, because he was alone and his wife wasn’t in
Until he heard it once again, he’d thought it was in his head
“Who is under that bed?” he spoke with a tiny squeak
He stood up and walked toward the bed, stopped, waited
There isn’t anyone under the bed, he thought
He peered underneath the bed, because he felt he should
Lying underneath, was the old shotgun he’d bought
“Oh yeah, I’d forgotten that,” he whispered to himself
He tried to reach for it, but it had been pushed to far under
He went for his wife’s broom to use for a lever
Returning, he poked with the broom and spun the gun asunder
He poked once more, and accidentally hit the trigger

© Copyright G. Jones 2012
Photo by

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