Saturday, June 2, 2012

Robins and Crows Know

To those who like to wander their gardens while sipping a martini.

On a certain afternoon, while walking in my gardens
Listening to the birdsong from surrounding trees

Suddenly, I became curious and rather impatient
There was a message the birds continued to repeat

First there was a lone robin, and later on a crow
I could have sworn, they were both telling me something

Then, came a soft gentle tapping on my shoulder
I slowly turned around, and there was my dear wife

Quickly, she asked me why I hadn’t answered her
And why was I staring at her red rhodie bush

The birds, I told her, they’re trying to tell me some...
She said that I’d been in the hot sun much too long

Come in the house, she ordered, before the neighbors...
Before they become suspicious of my long stare

Inside, I went with her somewhat reluctantly
Thinking something wasn't exactly as it seemed

The birds? What was this game? Yes, too much sun indeed

© Copyrights G. Jones 2006

Author's Note: The In to the Weird Series

I Am Indrid Cold

gnipeelS toN mA I

Beyond your sight, hearing, and smell
You will never touch or heed me
But, I certainly, do know you

I‘ve forever been here with thee
From the time ruled by the great cats
And the grand covering of ice

Forever beside you sleeping
I have eternally whispered
Beneath your semiconscious dreams

peelS regnoL oN naC uoY litnU

© Copyrights G. Jones 2008

Friday, June 1, 2012


The trees are all whispering their ancient songs
Of the ancestors, as I gently glide below
Their umbrella canopy of assorted shades
Of green with a sundry of wooden spokes climbing

The pale brown leaves, silent beneath my soft steps
Medley of birdsong punctuate the raptor's scream
Chipmunks scuttle about, probing for seeds or bulbs
A Douglas squirrel emanates disgruntled barks

Within no time, I find the object of my trek
A surround of stones within a fairy circle
They outline a single gravesite, that of my own
Jade lilies of the valley grow within the square

Once, every spring, I return to this retreat
My invisible hands sweep at the aged rocks
Reclining nearby, remembering who I was
Smiling, at intended wisdom never gained

As eve approaches, I depart my special place
Slipping between the thick towers of life
Until I reach my place of eternal sweet sleep
To resume again at the cycle's new return

Within the sacred trees, I forever sleep

© Copyrights G. Jones 2008

The Dragon

There’s a faint odor of old money in the marine air
Petroleum, in all of its forms, forever present
One feels a sense of a moderately controlled frenzy
Like a young child’s ant farm with its busy inhabitants

You’re surrounded by towering units cooking the prize
Networks of piping and smoldering stacks, emitting steam
A fence enclosed, teeming land of coveralled citizens
All dedicated to the maintaining of steady flow

Always moving, from the smallest lorry, and the forklift
To the larger, heavily loaded, liquid tanker truck
The train, barge, and tanker ship, arriving and departing
Hauling precious product, to all points upon the planet

Yet, there is a strong sense of Mother Nature that pervades
Present, are assorted trees, shrubs, flowers, grasses, and weeds
All sorts of wildlife, deer, porcupines, rabbits, and raccoon
The birds, blue herons, seagulls, ravens, and turkey buzzards

Beneath a blue, cloud specked sky, lies this small peninsula
Surrounded by a pristine salt water of dark cold blue
All thrive within this creature, called an oil refinery
Tube feeding her, through miles of long silver pipeline, daily

All the while, she is guarded and religiously well kept
While being condemned, despised, and grossly misunderstood
By millions, whose very way of life, depends upon her
Such is the life of this flame spewing creature, the dragon

©Copyrights G. Jones 2008

Winter Prayer

Cernuous, Green Man, the Horned One
Ensure abundance upon me
During this trying time of fear

The death of the God is coming
Provide for my dear family
Until the time of his rebirth

May the Goddess of the bright Moon
And of the life giving blue sea
Provide us mother’s sweet comfort

Until the warm Son does return
And your green face is evident
Far and wide in the reborn spring

© Copyrights G. Jones 2008

Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Mask

We all have them

Brown-suited Indian


Pillowed refuge

To the

Unforgiving eyes

And the

Mynah Bird claws


Earthbound peoples

© Copyrights G. Jones 2012

The Spiral

A gentlemanly stranger
Plays delicious treachery
Behind a deceiving laugh

Never the desire to love
Or take you seriously
He consumes your hot desire

Your hero finally here
Blinded by your white passion
You dive into the spiral

© Copyrights G. Jones 2012

Monday, May 28, 2012

In the Crepuscular Half-light

In the crepuscular half-light
Our amaranthine trysting dreams
Are transformed to apodictic
Iridescent lyrical love
Tokens of rhapsodic tranquil

© Copyrights G. Jones 2012

Front Porch Boogie

Laughter, and the sound of rhythm and blues

Some front porch boogie, with my baby doll

Drinking the moon, from an ole Mason jar

Lovely hot, noonday sun upon our feet

Stutter rhythm dancing, her in my arms

Her head leaned back, and long dark hair swayin’

Lost in the music, as we slide along

On a wooden floor, with my barefoot gal    

© Copyrights G. Jones 2012