Saturday, April 14, 2012

The American Dream

Having forgotten their ancient identity
They lived their days in a long perpetual dream

Forever captivated in make believe lives
They practiced from birth until their final demise

From candled solitaires to hooded conductors
In the grandest of temples to tiniest shacks

Constantly grasping for bright and shiny bobbles
They flapped about the hungry lights of attention

Never suspecting the reason for their being
The intricate tapestry in which they resided

Blind to the timeless cosmic beauty that abounds
Unbeknown to them the prize that lies deep within

There existed a small group that knew the secret
Slowly they’d climbed from the sleep of lies and deceit

Soon, they began to take responsibility
Ashamed were they, but relieved to see the real truth

Their nation was built upon greed and consumption
Pillaging the Earth’s resources for their own use

Telling whoever stood in the way, "We’re your friend!"
“We’re here to give you freedom!”, while raping their land

Either through never ending war or puppet kings
Their insidious death grip ever tightening

The unseen matrix ruled by big corporations
The people their zombies of consumerism

The American Dream…

Copyrights @ G. Jones 2012

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